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Do you want to know, 2023, oil and pastel on canvas, 70x50cm

Studio chair, 2023, mixed technic on canvas, 150x130cm.

La jongleuse _the juggler, 2023, oil and pastel on canvas, 120x80cm_

A l'heure d'or _ In the golden hour, 2023, oil on canvas, 150x130cm_

Dag och Natt_ Jour et Nuit, 2023, oil and pastel on canvas, 80x65cm_

Une autre réalité , 2023 , oil color and pastel sur on canvas , 145x145 cm

Pas seule_ Not alone, 2023, oil and pastel on canvas, 150x130cm

She did leave, 2023, mixed technic on canvas, 70x50cm_

Time without age, 2023, oil and pastel on canvas, 100x45cm

Back to the village, 2023, oil on canvas, 120x90cm x3

Back to the village (1_3), 2023, oil on canvas, 120x90cm (x3)

Back to the village (2_3), 2023, oil on canvas, 120x90cm (x3)

Back to the village (3_3), 2023, oil on canvas, 120x90cm (x3)

La fauteuil et le pouvoir de la pensé_The chair and the power of the mind, 2023, oil and p

A quiet change, 24x30cm, mixed tech, 2023.jpg

Nothing else, 2023, acrylic and oil on canvas, 106x106 cm

Release joy, 2023, oil on canvas, 100x81cm

Blue Suede, 2022, oil and pastel on canvas, 108x108cm

Holding Force, 2022, oil on canvas, photo: Karime Benzakour-Knidel

I see you, do you see me, 2022, acrylic and oil on canvas, 150x130cm. Photo K. Benzakour-Knidel

I see you, do you see me II, 2022, acrylic and oil on canvas, 40x24cm. Photo K. Benzakour-Knidel

It's been a while, 2023, oil on canvas, 30x24cm,

stripes, sticks, lines, steams,
2023, 27x22cm

Falling Nose, 2022, mixed media (oil,pastel, sewing collage) 70x50cm

Bad costume, 2022, oil on canvas, 50x40cm. Photo_ K. Benzakour-Knidel
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